Why do you need Legal Forms? What purpose do they serve in your everyday life? In order to answer these questions, it is essential to understand what are these forms because in the life of every man, a time comes when he needs such forms for various legal purposes or numerous occurrences which have power to influence his/her life.
If you are buying a car, house, getting married, accepting the offer of employment, renting or leasing an apartment, entering into business contracts, hiring an independent contractor, availing the service of an consultant, drawing power of attorney and, for numerous other purposes, you would need, written and duly signed documents to facilitate the deals, entered with third parties.
There are thousands of such legally written documents, which are duly signed by two or more than two persons, accepting the terms and condition of the contract and to prove that the agreement has been entered, to execute certain duties and responsibilities. These legal documents are also readily available with local court vendors, legal service providers and online sites and are formatted in different formats, as per the requirements of specific transactions and according to the different state necessities.
Though, there are innumerable numbers of these legal documents available in the market but, most prominent among them are used for, Employments, preparing Affidavits, Legal categories, Deeds, Claims, Bill of Sale, Divorces, Copyrights, Entertainment contracts, Assignments, Landlord and Tenant, Non Compete and None Disclosure, Tax requirements, Hiring independent, contractor or service providers and much more.
The main reasons to draw these legal documents are to protect the rights of each signing parties and obtain the goals of the contract, through various provisions and clauses incorporated in the Agreement.
The basic terms and conditions in the legal document includes, contact details of two or more than two parties, date and location, compensation and mode of payment, duties and responsibilities of each party, penalties for the breach of contract and so on. As these written documents are legally binding, they can be produced in the court for any dispute settlement or breach of the provision and clause, incorporated in the contract.
If you want to avoid unnecessary legal expenses by hiring expensive lawyers or spending money on buying different legal documents for various purposes, you can easily download Free Legal Forms templates from Internet sites and print them for your own use.
When you are buying or selling any products, services, property, it is very important to have written agreements. Preview several Legal forms, and purchase the one required by your State. You can download various types of sample legal forms and Free law summaries - Including: Offer to Purchase, Contract for Sale, Disclosure Statements,Legal Agreements
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Website Design and Maintenance Agreement For New Product Launch
In the present day, due to the advancement of Information Technology, Internet has taken center stage, for the growth and promotion of the business. Today, no business, company or professional service can survive, without the effective use of online sites for marketing, services and promotions. A seller can search local, national or international customers for his product, through good sites.
An attractive online site can easily introduce and promote products to the customers and viewers. The home page is also most effective tool for new product launching, promotions and wider coverage of the products. For example, if you are an apparel designer and creating new styles, you can easily make a home page on Internet and provide sufficient details and pictures of your apparels there. The International buyers can also easily view your fashion cloths online.
Good sites, with well written contents are essential for drawing higher number of customers and viewers. The contents also must be revealing, qualitative and informative, which can provide sufficient information to the home page viewer. Attractive contents always draw the viewers, buyers and clients to online site.
In order to get well made online site, with good contents, it becomes necessary to hire a Web page maker, for promoting and maintaining the site on Internet. But, before hiring such technical professional, it becomes essential to enter into Website Design Agreement with him, for protecting the rights of each party. The contract includes, following terms & conditions, clauses and provisions, which are binding on both parties:
• Authorization
• Contact details of both parties
• Date and location
• E-mail/phone consultation, Words of text, Links, Custom, Graphics Animation, Pictures etc.
• Maintenance and Hourly Rate
• Installation
• Completion Date
• Breach of contract and Penalties
• Duration of the contract
• Compensation
• Mode and terms of Payment
• Termination clause
• Web Hosting
The signing of the Agreement makes it legally valid document and can be produced in the court of law for the settlement of disputes.
You can download various types of Website Design and Maintenance Agreement form here.
Know About Termination Letter for Employee Dismissal
If you find your employee performing poorly or below standard, what course of action, you can take for his non performance? You may issue a notice, asking him, to improve his work performance or issue a termination letter dismissing him from the job.
There are various reasons, why employees are dismissed from the active service of the company or organization:
• Poor or non performance of the work
• Unsatisfactory Behavior or Gross Mis-Conduct
• Redundancy
If the employer finds, any of these negative points with the employee, he may issue proper termination letters against the employee. But, it is also important to note that, there are various factors, which may affect the employer for employee dismissal:
Employment Law - There are numerous clauses and provisions, which protect the right of the employee in the Employment Law.
Union Affiliation - The worker may be affiliated to some union, which may create problem to the employer, if worker is dismissed.
Local & State Jurisdiction - The jurisdiction have also formulated certain provisions, for protecting, the right of the worker. It is necessary to find implications that may arise due to the worker dismissal.
Hiring Agreement and Company Policies - These company documents show, terms and conditions, responsibilities and termination clause for the removable of the worker, from the active company service.
Thus, an employer should consider all legal aspects and consult with the labor experts and union labor laws, before terminating the service of the worker.
It is also essential that, the company should follow, due procedure of termination, by issuing due advance notice to the employee, informing him of his job termination and, offer him a dismissal letter, after the expiry of notice period.
The Employee Termination Letter should contain below given points:
Date of the dismissal letter
Contact details of the worker
Job termination notice details
Reasons, for the termination and steps taken to enable the worker, for better work performance.
Ask to return all assets and documents, such as company car, official company residence, equipments and all other company documents.
Submission of expenses claim
Joining and leaving Date
Holiday and General Pay
Pension if applicable
Withdrawal of all benefits
If the worker is in Probation period then, the dismissal letter should show his poor work performance, which prompted his termination.
The employee should also be allowed to use his employee's rights of appeal and, the letter must inform the procedure and process of the appeal and time frame, within which, the appeal should be made against the dismissal.
The letter should be signed by the employer and dated, asking the worker to sign and return the receipt of the letter including, the attachment with the letter.
The attachment may include copy of the hiring agreement, company policies and any other documents, which shows the right procedure followed by the employer in dismissing the employee.
An employer can download Employee Termination Letter, offered by numerous Internet sites and print them for dismissing the employee from the service of the organization or company.
You can download various types of Termination Letter for Employee Dismissal here.
There are various reasons, why employees are dismissed from the active service of the company or organization:
• Poor or non performance of the work
• Unsatisfactory Behavior or Gross Mis-Conduct
• Redundancy
If the employer finds, any of these negative points with the employee, he may issue proper termination letters against the employee. But, it is also important to note that, there are various factors, which may affect the employer for employee dismissal:
Employment Law - There are numerous clauses and provisions, which protect the right of the employee in the Employment Law.
Union Affiliation - The worker may be affiliated to some union, which may create problem to the employer, if worker is dismissed.
Local & State Jurisdiction - The jurisdiction have also formulated certain provisions, for protecting, the right of the worker. It is necessary to find implications that may arise due to the worker dismissal.
Hiring Agreement and Company Policies - These company documents show, terms and conditions, responsibilities and termination clause for the removable of the worker, from the active company service.
Thus, an employer should consider all legal aspects and consult with the labor experts and union labor laws, before terminating the service of the worker.
It is also essential that, the company should follow, due procedure of termination, by issuing due advance notice to the employee, informing him of his job termination and, offer him a dismissal letter, after the expiry of notice period.
The Employee Termination Letter should contain below given points:
Date of the dismissal letter
Contact details of the worker
Job termination notice details
Reasons, for the termination and steps taken to enable the worker, for better work performance.
Ask to return all assets and documents, such as company car, official company residence, equipments and all other company documents.
Submission of expenses claim
Joining and leaving Date
Holiday and General Pay
Pension if applicable
Withdrawal of all benefits
If the worker is in Probation period then, the dismissal letter should show his poor work performance, which prompted his termination.
The employee should also be allowed to use his employee's rights of appeal and, the letter must inform the procedure and process of the appeal and time frame, within which, the appeal should be made against the dismissal.
The letter should be signed by the employer and dated, asking the worker to sign and return the receipt of the letter including, the attachment with the letter.
The attachment may include copy of the hiring agreement, company policies and any other documents, which shows the right procedure followed by the employer in dismissing the employee.
An employer can download Employee Termination Letter, offered by numerous Internet sites and print them for dismissing the employee from the service of the organization or company.
You can download various types of Termination Letter for Employee Dismissal here.
Free Quick Claim Deed For Your Property Title Transfer
If you are married and want your wife to share your property, how can you bring her into your property title? You can simply sign Free Quick Claim Deed Form transferring certain part of property to her.
A Free Quick Claim Deed Form is generally drawn for bringing in third person into the title of the property and making him/her co-owner or quitting the claim to the certain part of the property on behalf of other person. Even, certain co-owners can be removed from the title, through Quick Claim Deed Agreement. Such transfers can be carried out, either by selling part property title or through Gift. Once the formalities of title transfer is completed, the signed document/deed is given to the transferee and legally binding on both parties.
The person, who is transferring the part property title, is known as Grantor and the person receiving the transfer is called as Grantee. The transfer also does not bind the Grantor for any liability attached to the property. The transfer is only applicable to the title held by the person making the transfer. Thus, it is always advisable that, the Grantee should make thorough check on the property title and state requirements on such transfers, before accepting the transfer.
It is also to be noted that, the signing of Free Quick Claim Deed Form, makes it legally binding document and binds the Grantor with the transfer clause in the deed. If, for any reason, the Grantor has second thought regarding the title transfer after signing the deed then, it is not possible to reverse or stop the transfer.
Though, the Grantor may file a suit in the court of law requesting repossession of the property, but it is very difficult to prove the reasons for blocking the property transfer. Hence, one should think twice before signing such contract, because title, once transferred remains transferred and can not be stopped. The advice of the lawyer should always be taken before signing of Quit Claim Transfer deed.
Medicaid long term care benefits of the Grantor is also affected by the transfer, as transferring the title below prevailing market value may affect these Medicaid benefits. The consultation with the Medicaid should be carried out before opting for the transfer.
There are many sites offering Free Quick Claim Deed Form and the user can easily download and print them for their own use.
You can download various types of Free Quick Claim Deed Form and Free Quick Claim Deed Form here.
A Free Quick Claim Deed Form is generally drawn for bringing in third person into the title of the property and making him/her co-owner or quitting the claim to the certain part of the property on behalf of other person. Even, certain co-owners can be removed from the title, through Quick Claim Deed Agreement. Such transfers can be carried out, either by selling part property title or through Gift. Once the formalities of title transfer is completed, the signed document/deed is given to the transferee and legally binding on both parties.
The person, who is transferring the part property title, is known as Grantor and the person receiving the transfer is called as Grantee. The transfer also does not bind the Grantor for any liability attached to the property. The transfer is only applicable to the title held by the person making the transfer. Thus, it is always advisable that, the Grantee should make thorough check on the property title and state requirements on such transfers, before accepting the transfer.
It is also to be noted that, the signing of Free Quick Claim Deed Form, makes it legally binding document and binds the Grantor with the transfer clause in the deed. If, for any reason, the Grantor has second thought regarding the title transfer after signing the deed then, it is not possible to reverse or stop the transfer.
Though, the Grantor may file a suit in the court of law requesting repossession of the property, but it is very difficult to prove the reasons for blocking the property transfer. Hence, one should think twice before signing such contract, because title, once transferred remains transferred and can not be stopped. The advice of the lawyer should always be taken before signing of Quit Claim Transfer deed.
Medicaid long term care benefits of the Grantor is also affected by the transfer, as transferring the title below prevailing market value may affect these Medicaid benefits. The consultation with the Medicaid should be carried out before opting for the transfer.
There are many sites offering Free Quick Claim Deed Form and the user can easily download and print them for their own use.
You can download various types of Free Quick Claim Deed Form and Free Quick Claim Deed Form here.
Power of Attorney Form Authorizing an Agent to Represent You
What is power of Attorney and why do you need it? To answer such question, it is necessary to understand the reason, for issuing this legal document on behalf of another person.
When an individual draws up a legal document, designating certain power to another person or company to transact the business on his behalf then, Power of Attorney is drawn to transfer the power. The person designating the Power to another person is known as principal and one, who receives such power, is called an Agent.
This written form is legally valid and binding on both parties. The power transfer may be for specific transaction or more than one business deals. The validity of this legal document also depends on the purpose for which power is transferred. Once the objective of power transfer is achieved then, the person may revoke the document, depriving another person from offered powers.
There are various reasons, which necessitate power transfer. The person may be going out of country for few weeks, there may be numerous legal issues that have to be handled, the person may be overloaded with the work or may have very busy schedule and can not spare enough time to transact business on his own.
Here are some factors you should consider, while authorizing the Agent to represent you to complete prescribed work, business or transaction:
• Competency: The Agent should be well competent and intelligent to transact authorized business or transaction designated to him. He should be well versed with legal issues and financial matters.
• Age: You should consider the age of the individual before transferring the power, as every state has the requirements that, legally a person should be majority age of 18 or 21 years, as per state and federal requirements.
• Time: It is also necessary to find, how much time an Agent could spare to work on your behalf.
• Location: The Agent must be located in approachable distance for frequent interactions.
• Organizational and Management Capability: The Agent should be able to organize and manage all documents, related to transactions or business conducted by him on behalf of the Principal.
• Reliably: The Agent must be an honest and reliable person, who does not misuse designated power for his own benefit or harming the interest of the Principal. Thus, authorizing a well known individual or close relative is best suited to act as an agent.
• Confidentiality: The Agent should be able to maintain privacy and confidentiality of the trade secrets of the Principal.
By appointing an Agent with these qualities, the Principal can devote his busy time to other urgent business or transactions.
If you are also appointing an Agent for your business, financial or legal matters, you can download Power of Attorney Form, from Internet and print it for power transfer.
You can download various types of Free Power of Attorney Form from Legal Forms here.
Legal Documents,
Legal Form,
Power of Attorney Form
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